
The Splendour of Whitley Neill’s Gin

We love the splendour of Whitley Neill’s celebration of protea and hibiscus!

This uniquely South African floral gin adorned in the finery of a fuschia bottle is deliciously decadent in the trappings of Fitch and Leedes pink tonic, blueberries, mint and edible flowers.

It’s pretty fine when accompanying a fresh summer pavlova dressed with seasonal fruit and nougat.

Enjoy the notes of coriander seed and cassia bark, too!

#WhitleyNeill #FitchandLeedesPinkTonic #GinCocktails #GinandFoodPairing #DiscoveringGinWorkshops

#WeLoveGin #VaalDamAccommodation #CorporateVenue #Teambuild #Lovewhatwedo


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